In this course, you'll learn letter pronunciation, how to combine letters and words, and all Tajweed rules from basic to advanced. You will be able to recite any Surah of the Holy Quran accurately and fluently, In Sha Allah.
In this course, you will learn the letters and their exact pronunciation, how to form words, and all Tajweed rules from basic to advanced. By the end, you'll be able to recite the holy Quran fluently and accurately.
In this course, you'll master Quranic letters for perfect pronunciation and learn Tajweed from basic to advanced, covering essential rules like Huruf e Madda, Leen, Izhar, Ikhfa, Idgham, and more. By the end, you'll be able to recite the Quran with full Tajweed and accuracy, like a Hafiz, inshallah.
In this course, you'll learn letter pronunciation, how to combine letters and words, and all Tajweed rules from basic to advanced. You will be able to recite any Surah of the Holy Quran accurately and fluently, In Sha Allah.
In this course, you will learn the letters and their exact pronunciation, how to form words, and all Tajweed rules from basic to advanced. By the end, you'll be able to recite the holy Quran fluently and accurately.
In this course, you'll master Quranic letters for perfect pronunciation and learn Tajweed from basic to advanced, covering essential rules like Huruf e Madda, Leen, Izhar, Ikhfa, Idgham, and more. By the end, you'll be able to recite the Quran with full Tajweed and accuracy, like a Hafiz, inshallah.
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah An-Naas
1. This surah does not consist 12 letters out of 29.
2. This is 114th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 06 Aayat, 20 words and 80 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 16 times and the less repeated letter is rounded HAMZA ( when it comes under ALIF ) 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Falaq
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-FALAQ
1. This surah does not consist just 13 letters out of 29.
2. This is 113th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 05 Aayat, 23 words and 71 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 08 times and the less repeated letter is rounded HAMZA ( when it comes on ALIF ) 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Ikhlas
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Ikhlas
1. This surah does not consist just 21 letters out of 29.
2. This is 112th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 04 Aayat, 15 words and 47 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 12 times and the less repeated letter is rounded SUAD 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Masad
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Masad
1. This surah does not consist just 11 letters out of 29.
2. This is 111th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 05 Aayat, 23 words and 81 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 11 times and the less repeated letter is rounded rounded TAA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah An-Nasr
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah An-Nasr
1. This surah does not consist just 12 letters.
2. This is 110th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 03 Aayat, 19 words and 80 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 13 times and the less repeated letter is rounded HAMZA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Kafirun
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-KAFIROON
1. This surah consists just 09 of 29 letters.
2. This is 109th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 06 Aayat, 26 words and 95 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 12 times and the less repeated letter is rounded RAA & FAA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Kauthar
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-ٖKAWTHAR
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept HAMZA، JEEM, KHA، DAAL, DHAL, ZAA, SEEN, DHUAD, ZUA, GHAEEN, QAAF, MEEM, Rounded TAA, YAA and WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 108th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 03 Aayat, 10 words and 42 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is NOON 05 times and the less repeated letter is rounded TAA & THA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Ma’un
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-ٖMa'oon
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept HAMZA ( when it comes under ( ALIF ) JEEM , KHA ZAA SHEEN, ZUA, GHAEEN, QAAF, Rounded TAA, WAW & YAA ( when Hamza comes upon both ).
2. This is 107th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 07 Aayat, 25 words and 114 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is YAA 16 times and the less repeated letter is rounded HAMZA ( when it comes on ALIF ) 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Quraish
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-ٖQuraish
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept THA, ZAA, SHEEN, DHUAD, ZUA, GHAEEN, KAAF, YAA, WAW & YAA ( when Hamza comes upon both ).
2. This is 106th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 04 Aayat, 17 words and 75 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 09 times and the less repeated letter is rounded HAMZA ( when it comes on ALIF ) 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Feel
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-ٖFeel
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept HAMZA, HAMZA ( when it comes under ALIF ) THA, KHA, DHAL, ZAA, SHEEN, ZUA, GHAEEN, QAAF, YAA, WAW & YAA ( when Hamza comes upon both ).
2. This is 105th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 05 Aayat, 23 words and 96 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 14 times and the less repeated letter is rounded TAA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Humazah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Humaza
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept THA, SHEEN, DHUAD, ZUA, GHAEEN, YAA ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 104th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 09 Aayat, 32 words and 134 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 20 times and the less repeated letter is HAMZA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-‘Asr
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Asr
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept HAMZA ( when it comes upon ALIF ) THA, JEEM, DAAL, ZAA, SHEEN, DHUAD, TUA, ZUA, GHAEEN, KAAF, HAA ( after WAW) rounded TAA, YAA and WAW& YAA ( when Hamza comes upon both ).
2. This is 103rd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 08 Aayat, 28 words and 123 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 14 times and the less repeated letter is HAMZA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah At-Takathur
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah At-Takathur
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept HAMZA( when it comes under ALIF ) KHA, DAAL, SHEEN, SUAD, DHUAD, TUA, ZUA, GHAEEN, rounded TUA and WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 102nd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 08 Aayat, 28 words and 123 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 19 times and the less repeated letter is HAMZA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Qari’ah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Qariah
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept HAMZA،HAMZA ( when it comes under ALIF ) DHAL, SUAD, TUA, ZUA, GHAEEN and WAW & YAA ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 101st number Surah of the holy Quran, has 11 Aayat, 36 words and 158 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 26 times and the less repeated letter is JEEM 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-‘Adiyat
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Aadiyat
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept HAMZA ZAA, ZUA, rounded TAA and WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 100th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 11 Aayat, 40 words and 164 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 23 times and the less repeated letter is JEEM 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Zalzalah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Az-Zilzal
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept HAMZA TUA, ZUA, GHAEEN and WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 99th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 08 Aayat, 36 words and 156 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 23 times and the less repeated letter is JEEM 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Baiyyinah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Bayyina
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept THA, ZUA, GHAEEN.
2. This is 98th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 08 Aayat, 94 words and 397 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 49 times and the less repeated letter is SEEN 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Qadr
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Qadr
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept HAMZA, THA, SUAD, DHUAD, ZUA, GHAEEN and WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 97th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 05 Aayat, 30 words and 112 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 19 times and the less repeated letter is rounded JEEM 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-‘Alaq
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Alaq
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept THA, HAA, SHEEN DHUAD, ZUA and WAW ( when Hamza comes upon both ).
2. This is 96th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 19 Aayat, 72 words and 285 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 38 times and the less repeated letter is rounded ZAA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah At-Tin
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah At-Teeen
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept SHEEN, DHUAAD, ZUA, rounded TAA, YAA and YAA & WAW ( when Hamza comes upon both ).
2. This is 95th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 8 Aayat, 34 words and 157 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 21 times and the less repeated letter is rounded HAMZA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Ash-Sharh
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Ash-Sharah
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept HAMZA, THA, JEEM, KHA and YAA & WAW ( when Hamza comes upon both ).
2. This is 94th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 8 Aayat, 27 words and 102 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is RAA 13 times and the less repeated letter is rounded TAA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Ad-Duha
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Ad-Dhuha
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept ZAA, SHEEN, SUAAD, ZUA and WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 93rd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 11 Aayat, 40 words and 166 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 21 times and the less repeated letter is rounded HAMZA ( when it comes under ALIF ) 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Lail
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Lail
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept YAA ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 92nd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 21 Aayat, 71 words and 314 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 39 times and the less repeated letter is rounded THA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Ash-Shams
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Ash-Shams
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept SUAD, ZUA, WAW and YAA ( when Hamza comes upon both).
2. This is 91st number Surah of the holy Quran, has 15 Aayat, 54 words and 250 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 40 times and the less repeated letter is rounded HAMZA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Balad
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Balad
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept ZAA, DHUAAD and ZUA.
2. This is 90th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 20 Aayat, 82 words and 338 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 42 times and the less repeated letter is rounded ZAA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Fajr
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-FAjr
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept ZUA and WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 89th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 30 Aayat, 137 words and 575 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 78 times and the less repeated letter is rounded ZAA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Ghashiyah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Ghashiya
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 88th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 26 Aayat, 92 words and 380 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 40 times and the less repeated letter is rounded DAL 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-A’la
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Aa-Aala
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept DHUAAD, TUA and ZUA.
2. This is 87th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 19 Aayat, 72 words and 296 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 34 times and the less repeated letter is rounded ZAA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah At-Tariq
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah At-Tarique
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept SHEEN, GHAEEN and WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it).
2. This is 86th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 17 Aayat, 61 words and 252 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 39 times and the less repeated letter is rounded TAA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Buruj
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Burooj
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept rounded TAA.
2. This is 85th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 22 Aayat, 109 words and 463 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 57 times and the less repeated letter is KHA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Inshiqaq
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Inshiqaq
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept ZAA and rounded TAA.
2. This is 84th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 25 Aayat, 107 words and 440 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 54 times and the less repeated letter isTHA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Mutaffifin
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Mutaffifeen
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 83rd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 36 Aayat, 169 words and 744 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 91 times and the less repeated letter is ROUNDED TAA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Infitar
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Infitar
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ), ZAA and DHUAAD.
2. This is 82nd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 19 Aayat, 80 words and 329 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 44 times and the less repeated letter is ROUNDED TAA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah At-Takwir
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah At-Takweer
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ) and ZUA.
2. This is 81st number Surah of the holy Quran, has 29 Aayat, 104 words and 431 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 57 times and the less repeated letter is THA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Abas
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Abas
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 80th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 42 Aayat, 133 words and 546 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 55 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah An-Nazi’at
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah An-Naziaat
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 79th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 46 Aayat, 179 words and 772 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 100 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah An-Naba’
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah An-Nabaa
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 78th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 40 Aayat, 198 words and 778 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 147 times and the less repeated letter is Rounded TAA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Mursalat
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Mursalat
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept rounded TAA
2. This is 77th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 50 Aayat, 198 words and 821 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 104 times and the less repeated letter is ZAA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Insan
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah AL-ٰInsan/ Ad-Dahar
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 76th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 31 Aayat, 278 words and 1078 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 157 times and the less repeated letter is GHAEEN 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Qiyamah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah AL-Qiyamah
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 75th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 40 Aayat, 180 words and 668 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 80 times and the less repeated letter is SHEEN 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Muddaththir
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah AL-Muddaththir
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 74th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 56 Aayat, 287 words and 1024 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 119 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Muzammil
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah AL-Muzzammil
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accepts WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 73rd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 20 Aayat, 227 words and 850 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 115 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Jinn
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah AL-Jinn
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 72nd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 28 Aayat, 320 words and 1096 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 150 times and the less repeated letter is THA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Nuh
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Nooh
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept YAA ( when Hamza comes upon it ) and rounded TAA
2. This is 71st number Surah of the holy Quran, has 28 Aayat, 263 words and 953 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 139 times and the less repeated letter is SHEEN 02 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Ma’arij
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Ma'aarij
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it )
2. This is 70th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 44 Aayat, 241 words and 951 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is MEEM 98 times and the less repeated letter is THA 02 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Haqqah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Haqqa
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 69th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 52 Aayat, 284 words and 1113 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 135 times and the less repeated letter is ZAA 03 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Qalam
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Qalam
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
2. This is 68th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 52 Aayat, 324 words and 1264 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is NOON 131 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 03 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Mulk
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Mulk
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 67th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 30 Aayat, 362 words and 1330 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 142 times and the less repeated letter is THA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah At-Tahrim
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah At-Tahreem.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 66th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 12 Aayat, 281 words and 1074 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 127 times and the less repeated letter is TUA 02 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah At-Talaq
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah At-Talaq.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 65th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 12 Aayat, 318 words and 1184 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 152 times and the less repeated letter is GHAEEN 02 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah At-Taghabun
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah At-Tagabun.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 64th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 18 Aayat, 286 words and 1072 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 143 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 02 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Munafiqun
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Munafiqoon.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept ZUA
2. This is 63rd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 11 Aayat, 200 words and 787 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 114 times and the less repeated letter is THA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Jumu’ah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Jumuah.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept TUA
2. This is 62nd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 11 Aayat, 194 words and 755 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 110 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 01 times ( when Hamza comes upon it).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah As-Saff
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah As-Saff.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept THA
2. This is 61st number Surah of the holy Quran, has 14 Aayat, 244 words and 945 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 122 times and the less repeated letter is DHUAAD 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Mumtahinah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Mumtahinah.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 60th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 13 Aayat, 348 words and 1542 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 176 times and the less repeated letter is TA 02 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Hashr
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Hashr.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 59th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 24 Aayat, 445 words and 1931 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 270 times and the less repeated letter is TUA 04 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Mujadilah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Mujadilah.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 58th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 22 Aayat, 472 words and 2011 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 255 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 03 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Hadid
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Hadid.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 57th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 29 Aayat, 574 words and 2505 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 313 times and the less repeated letter is TUA 05 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Waqi’ah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Waqiah.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 56th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 96 Aayat, 379 words and 1719 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is NOON 201 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 03 times ( when Hamza comes upon it).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Ar-Rahman
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Ar-Rahman.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 55th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 78 Aayat, 351 words and 1657 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 279 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Qamar
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Qamar.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it).
2. This is 54th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 55 Aayat, 342 words and 1461 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 159 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah An-Najm
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah An-Najm.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 53rd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 62 Aayat, 360 words and 1422 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 156 times and the less repeated letter is YAA 02 times ( when Hamza comes upon it).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah At-Tur
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah At-Toor.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 52nd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 49 Aayat, 312 words and 1305 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is MEEM 147 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 01 time.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Adh-Dhariyat
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Adh-Dhariyat.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 51st number Surah of the holy Quran, has 60 Aayat, 360 words and 1523 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 160 times and the less repeated letter is YAA 01 time ( when Hamza comes upon it).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Qaf
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Qaaf.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it )
2. This is 50th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 45 Aayat, 373 words and 1488 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 166 times and the less repeated letter is THA 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Hujurat
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Hujrat.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 49th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 18 Aayat, 347 words and 1508 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 193 times and the less repeated letter is ZAA 03 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Fatah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Fath.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 48th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 29 Aayat, 560 words and 2479 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 319 times and the less repeated letter is YAA 01 times ( when Hamza comes upon it).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Muhammad
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Muhammad.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa
2. This is 47th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 38 Aayat, 539 words and 2389 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 299 times and the less repeated letter is YAA 04 times ( when Hamza comes upon it).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Ahqaf
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Ahqaf.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa accept WAW ( when Hamza comes upon it).
2. This is 46th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 35 Aayat, 643 words and 2627 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 316 times and the less repeated letter is TUA 04 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Jathiyah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Jathiya.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 45th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 37 Aayat, 488 words and 2050 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 258 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 02 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Ad-Dukhan
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Ad-Dukhan.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 44th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 59 Aayat, 346 words and 1455 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 163 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 02 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Az-Zukhruf
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Az-Zukhruf.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 43rd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 89 Aayat, 830 words and 3553 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 377 times and the less repeated letter is GHAEEN 03 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Ash-Shura
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Ash-Shoora.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 42nd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 53 Aayat, 860 words and 3471 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 424 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 05 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Fussilat
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Fussilat.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 41st number Surah of the holy Quran, has 54 Aayat, 794 words and 3336 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 424 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 03 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Ghafir
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Ghafir.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 40th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 85 Aayat, 1219 words and 5041 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 623 times and the less repeated letter is YAA 06 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Az-Zumar
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Az-Zumar.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 39th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 75 Aayat, 1172 words and 4786 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 623 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 03 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Sad
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Suaad.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 37th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 88 Aayat, 733 words and 3018 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 401 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 05 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah As-Saffat
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Suaffat.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 37th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 182 Aayat, 861 words and 3828 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 443 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 08 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Yaseen
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Yaseen.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 36th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 83 Aayat, 725 words and 3020 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 334 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 03 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Fatir
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al- Fatir.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 35th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 45 Aayat, 775 words and 3184 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 395 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 06 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Saba
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah As-Saba.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 34th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 54 Aayat, 883 words and 3549 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 439 times and the less repeated letter is YAA 14 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Ahzab
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Ahzab.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 33rd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 73 Aayat, 1287 words and 5675 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 748 times and the less repeated letter is THA 14 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah As-Sajdah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah As-Sajda.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 32nd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 30 Aayat, 372 words and 1542 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 179 times and the less repeated letter is GHAEEN 01 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Luqman
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Luqman.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 31st number Surah of the holy Quran, has 34 Aayat, 546 words and 2134 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 293 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 01 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Ar-Rum
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Ar-Room.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 30th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 60 Aayat, 817 words and 3434 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 390 times and the less repeated letter is GHAEEN 08 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Ankabut
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Ankaboot.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 29th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 69 Aayat, 976 words and 4256 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 550 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 08 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al- Qasas
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Qasas.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 28th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 88 Aayat, 1430 words and 5861 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 673 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 07 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah An- Naml
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah An-Naml.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 27th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 93 Aayat, 1551 words and 4747 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 542 times and the less repeated letter is GHAEEN 11 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Ash-Shu’ara
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Ash-Sho'ra.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 26th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 227 Aayat, 1318 words and 5573 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 609 times and the less repeated letter is YAA 11 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Furqan
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Furqan.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 25th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 77 Aayat, 893 words and 3825 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 545 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 04 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Noor
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah An-Noor.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 24th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 64 Aayat, 1316 words and 5664 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 717 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 17 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al – Mominoon
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Mu'Minoon.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 23rd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 118 Aayat, 1050 words and 4399 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 484 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 09 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Hajj
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Hajj.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 22nd number Surah of the holy Quran, has 78 Aayat, 1274 words and 5237 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 687 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 04 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Anbiya
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Ambiya.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 21st number Surah of the holy Quran, has 112 Aayat, 1169 words and 4980 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 575 times and the less repeated letter is YAA 06 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Ta’Ha
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Tua-Haa.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 20th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 135 Aayat, 1335 words and 5338 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 599 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 05 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Maryam
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Maryam.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 19th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 98 Aayat, 961 words and 3868 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 494 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 02 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Kahaf
Please Keep in mind some points before reciting Surah kahaf.
1. This Surah consists 110 Aayat 1579 words and 6488 letters.
2. This surah has the most repeated word Alif 819 times and the less repeated word Zua just 17 times.
3. The most common words that people make mistake during reciting them. Raa - 275, A'een - 206, Qaaf - 151, Zaal - 106, Haa - 105.
4. Word of Allah is repeated 14 times.
5. Noon Sakin is Repeated 46 times.
6. Meem Sakin is repeated 126 times.
Surah Al-Isra’
Please Keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Isra.
1. This Surah consists 111 Aayat 1556 words and 6565 letters.
2. This surah has the most repeated word Alif 821 times and the less repeated word Zua just 16 times.
3. The most common words that people make mistake during reciting them. Raa - 299, A'een - 187, Ha - 227, Qaaf - 155, Zaal - 87, Haa - 88.
4. Word of Allah is repeated 09 times.
5. Noon Sakin is Repeated 22 times.
6. Meem Sakin is repeated 117 times.
Surah An-Nahl
Please Keep in mind some points before reciting Surah An-Nahl.
1. This Surah consists 128 Aayat 1844 words and 7723 letters.
2. This surah has the most repeated word Laam 985 times and the less repeated word Zua just 22 times.
3. The most common words that people make mistake during reciting them. Ha- 377, Raa - 287, A'een - 230, Qaaf - 131, Zaal - 122, Haa - 89.
4. Word of Allah is repeated 75 times.
5. Noon Sakin is Repeated 43 times.
6. Meem Sakin is repeated 146 times.
Surah Al-Hijr
Please Keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Hijr.
1. This Surah consists 99 Aayat 654 words and 2829 letters.
2. This surah has the most repeated word Alif 322 times and the less repeated word Sa just 04 times.
3. The most common words that people make mistake during reciting them. Ha- 96, Raa - 94, Kaaf - 85, Qaaf - 83, A`een - 80, Jeem - 43.
4. Word of Allah is repeated 02 times.
5. Noon Sakin is Repeated 16 times.
6. Meem Sakin is repeated 42 times.
Surah Ibrahim
Please Keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Ibrahim.
1. This Surah consists 52 Aayat 830 words and 3497 letters.
2. This surah has the most repeated word Laam 448 times and the less repeated word Tau & Zua just 11 times.
3. The most common words that people make mistake during reciting them. Ha- 140, Kaaf - 113, A`een - 95, Qaf- 57, Zaal - 53. Jeem- 34
4. Word of Allah is repeated 33 times.
5. Noon Sakin is Repeated 14 times.
6. Meem Sakin is repeated 77 times.
Surah Ar-Ra’d
Please Keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Ar-Ra`d.
1. This Surah consists 43 Aayat 854 words and 3500 letters.
2. This surah has the most repeated word Laam 476 times and the less repeated word Zau just 06 times.
3. The most common words that people make mistake during reciting them. Ha- 174, Raa- 135, Kaaf - 104, A`een - 99, Qaf- 87, Zaal - 47.
4. Word of Allah is repeated 29 times.
5. Noon Sakin is Repeated 22 times.
6. Meem Sakin is repeated 48 times.
Surah Yusuf
Please Keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Yusuf.
1. This Surah consists 111 Aayat 1777 words and 7203 letters.
2. This surah has the most repeated word Alif 825 times and the less repeated word Zau just 14 times.
3. The most common words that people make mistake during reciting them. Ha- 347, Raa- 255, Kaaf - 219, A`een - 218, Qaf- 193, Haa - 101, Zal- 81.
4. Word of Allah is repeated 40 times.
5. Noon Sakin is Repeated 33 times.
6. Meem Sakin is repeated 99 times.
Surah Hud
Please Keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Hud.
1. This Surah consists 123 Aayat 1917 words and 7726 letters.
2. This surah has the most repeated word Alif 873 times and the less repeated word Zau just 24 times.
3. The most common words that people make mistake during reciting them. Ha- 328, Raa- 323, Kaaf - 256, A`een - 244, Qaf- 180, Zaal - 96.
4. Word of Allah is repeated 37 times.
5. Noon Sakin is Repeated 60 times.
6. Meem Sakin is repeated 136 times.
Surah Yunus
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Yunus.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 10th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 109 Aayat, 1833 words and 7521 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 909 times and the less repeated letter is Yaa 16 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah At-Taubah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah At-Tawba.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 9th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 129 Aayat, 2498 words and 10954 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 1347 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 29 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them correctly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Anfal
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Anfal.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 8th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 75 Aayat, 1234 words and 5349 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 1444 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA 08 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them perfectly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-A’raf
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Aa'raf.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 7th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 206 Aayat, 3320 words and 14245 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 1444 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 26 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them perfectly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-An’am
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-An'aam.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 6th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 165 Aayat, 3050 words and 12571 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 1444 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 30 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them perfectly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Maidah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Maida.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 5th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 120 Aayat, 2804 words and 12032 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 1520 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA/ZWA 18 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them perfectly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah An-Nisa
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah An-Nisa.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is 4th number Surah of the holy Quran, has 176 Aayat, 3747 words and 16085 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is ALIF 2002 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA/ZWA 45 times.
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them perfectly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Aal-Imran
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Aal-Imran.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is the biggest Surah of the holy Quran after Surah Al-Baqarah, has 200 Aayat, 3481 words and 14762 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 1888 times and the less repeated letter is ZUA/ZWA 36 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them perfectly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Baqarah
Please keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Al-Baqarah.
1. This surah consists all letters of Arabic Alif to Yaa.
2. This is the biggest Surah of the holy Quran, has 286 Aayat, 6117 words and 25900 letters.
3. The most repeated letter is LAAM 3198 times and the less repeated letter is WAW 47 times ( when Hamza comes upon it ).
4. The most common tuff letters to pronounce them perfectly in this surah are Za, Zaal, Dhuaad, Aeen, Qaaf and Haa ( which comes after Jeem ).
Surah Al-Fatiha
Please Keep in mind some points before reciting Surah Ibrahim.
1.This Surah doesn't have the letter...Sa, Jeem, Kha, Zaa, Sheen, Zau, Fa, Ya.
2. This Surah consists 07 Aayat 29 words and 139 letters.
3. This surah has the most repeated word Laam 22 times and the less repeated word Zaal just 01 times.
4. The most common words that people make mistake during reciting them. Raa- 8, A`een- 6, Ha- 5, Haa- 5, Kaaf- 3, Gain- 2, Zauad, 2.
5. Word of Allah is repeated 01 times.
6. Noon Sakin is Repeated 01 times.
7. Meem Sakin is repeated 04 times.
Hear! Our Quran Learners
Mai Tajweed Me Galtiyan Karta Tha, Ab AzanGuru Ki Wajah Se Alhamdulillah Behatreen Quran Padh Pata Hu
Mohammad Taufeeq
Principal, Govt. SchoolUP
AzanGuru par mai kabhi bhi quraan padh sakta hu apna sabaq suna sakta hu aur ustad ke sath one on one classes le sakta hu.
Shaikh Sajid
Small BusinessmanOdisha
Me AzanGuru lady teacher ke sath daily practice karti hu jis se me apni galtiyon ko achhe se improve kar pati hu. Jazakallahu Khair
Nazia Khan
5th Standard StudentMaharashtra
AzanGuru's flexible classes facility solved my timing issue. Here I can learn Quran anytime and anywhere without any boundation.
Mohd Sajid
CA AspirantMadhya Pradesh
Jazakallah to entire AzanGuru team for launching such a wonderful platform for uneducated Muslims. It really helped me to learn Quran.
Amin Shaikh
AzanGuru's doubt clearance sessions and live classes help me to improve my reciting fluency. AzanGuru's expert Ustads resolve my all queries.
Aman Ullah
9th Standard StudentRampur, UP
AzanGuru's great analysis techniques and performance evaluation makes the platform more user friendly. It's a unique way of learning.
Arhan Abbas
4th Standard StudentRajasthan
AzanGuru ka Adaptive Quran learning feature bahut achha hai jo mujhe meri learning ke hisab se agla sabaq recommend karta hai.
Javed Anwer
FCSA, OfficerBareilly, UP
6+ Courses
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45000+ Regd. Students (All Age Groups)
3+ Languages (For Support)
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with Tajweed
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way of learning
Adaptive learning process
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User Reviews What our users say about us
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Azan guru app Masha Allah is a very easy and best app for reciting Quran Pak and our teachers team of Azan Guru app also teaches very well. May Allah make our teachers team successful in its purpose and we will recite Quran Pak to everyone. Amen
Parwej Alam
Student, Quran Basic Course
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Asalamualaikum This is the best Azan Guru platform, where a lot of teachings are available and true teachings are being found...thanks for ustad all are also able to come here and learn all the true teachings.
SK Muntaz
Student, Quran Basic Course
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This is one of the best platform for learning Qur'an. I have learned alot from this app. Thanks to whole staff of this platform, Allah pak bless you all. Jazzak Allaha hu khair
Ishfaq Ahmed
Student, Quran Basic Course
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It is Very useful App for learning Quran. Anyone can learn Quran perfectly easily.
Mustaq Shaikh
Student, Quran Basic Course
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Azanguru Quran Learning platform best online classes for those who are busy in their business or job you can learn any time . I am very happy thanks to azanguru team
Zuber Jagirdar
Student, Karnataka
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यह बहुत अच्छा ज़रिया है क़ुरआन सीखने /पढ़ने का बहुत अच्छे तरीके से टेक्निक का इस्तेमाल करते हुऐ उस्ताद लोग सिखाते है आपकी हर बात का solution मिलेगा मै भी अपनी 53 साल किया उम्र मै पढ़ रहा हूँ आप भी पढ़ीये
Javed Anwar
Student, UP
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Alhamdulillah, Allah Pak AzanGuru ke sare member ko Khub sara Azar Ata farmaye aur inko kamyab kare.. Alhamdulillah Quran sikhne ka isse acha aur pyara tarika mujhe kahi nhi Mila aur Mai har kisi se guzarish karta hu har koi join kare aur sahi Quran sikhe.. jazakallahukhaira
Naushad Malik
Student, MP, India
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AzanGuru offers flexible & personalized learning system for those people who're in jobs and want to study as per their own schedule.
Student, Quran Race Course
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Alhamdulillah. AzanGuru is doing very good. May Allah accept the hard work of entire team. And I recommend the AzanGuru App for all.
Md Aftab
Student, Quran Advance Course
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AzanGuru app Masha Allah is a very easy and best app to learn Quran and teachers team of AzanGuru also guide & teach very well.
Shama Khan
Student, Quran Basic Course
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It's my pleasure to join AzanGuru to learn Quran as its teachers along with support team are outstanding & helping to each person.
Mohammad Sarfaraz
Student, Quran Basic Course
Our Faculty Meet our Faculty of experts who are dedicated to helping you learn the Quran.
Hafiz Mohd Imran
Qari & Aalim Graduated from MANUU, Hyderabad
"The professional development opportunities at AzanGuru are outstanding. The continuous training and resources provided help me stay current with the latest teaching techniques. AzanGuru truly invests in its teachers, which in turn benefits our students immensely."
Qaria Shayma Khalid
Aalima, Graduated from MANUU, Hyderabad
"AzanGuru has allowed me to teach students from diverse backgrounds, which is incredibly enriching. The platform is user-friendly, and the administration is always ready to assist with any issues. It's gratifying to see the positive impact we have on our students' Quran recitation skills."
Qari Mohd Abrar
Aalim, Graduated from JMI, New Delhi
"AzanGuru's commitment to personalized learning is remarkable. The support and resources given to teachers ensure that I can tailor my lessons to each student's needs. The platform also allows me to manage my schedule effectively, making teaching here a ease."
Qaria Afsara Khan
Aalima, Graduated from BAMIE, Jamshedpur
"Teaching at AzanGuru has been a transformative experience. Its seamless integration of modern technology with traditional Quranic education methods allows me to connect with my students in meaningful ways. It's fulfilling to see them grow and perfect their recitation skills."
Qari Shahbuddin
Aalim, Graduated from JMI, New Delhi
"I have been with AzanGuru for over a year now, and I am continually impressed by the dedication to educational excellence. The interactive tools available on the platform make it easy to engage students and monitor their progress. It's a pleasure to be part of it.
Qari Naved
Aalim, Graduated from Darul Uloom Deoband
Learn Quran Online in an
Easy and effective way
Unlock the power of the Quran with our easy and effective online learning program.
Our Team Meet our team who is dedicated to ensure you to learn the Quran at the ease.
"At AzanGuru, our mission is to make Quran learning accessible to everyone, regardless of age or background. Our innovative approach to Quran education bridges the gap between traditional learning and modern technology, ensuring a seamless experience for our students."
M Sufyan Saif
CEO & Co-Founder
"The flexibility of our platform empowers students to learn on their own schedule, whether through live sessions or recorded classes. Our commitment to technological excellence is driven by our goal to make Quran education more accessible and efficient for all learners"
Muhammad Imran
Co-Founder & Product manager
"It's inspiring to know that the code we write helps people learn the Quran at ease and enrich their Quran reciting fluency. We are constantly innovating to ensure that AzanGuru is user-friendly, reliable, and capable of delivering an exceptional learning experience."
Sungraiz Faryad
Tech & Developer
"We aim to reach globally, making Quran education accessible to anyone, regardless of their location or schedule. Our innovative approach to Quran learning sets us apart, and we strive to communicate this unique value proposition in all our marketing efforts."
Arbaz Hussain
Customer Support
"We prioritize open & transparent interaction, fostering a culture of trust and collaboration across all organizations."AzanGuru is more than just a workplace; it’s a community where each team member contributes to a shared vision of spiritual growth and excellence."
Inzamamul Haq
COO & Manager
AzanGuru is Featured in ...
New Delhi (India), April 18: AzanGuru came into being in May 2022 and was converted into a private company in March 2023. It is revolutionising Quranic learning for Muslims worldwide.
This innovative platform breaks down barriers with its unique blend of self-paced video lessons, live classes with real-time interaction, and personalised guidance – all accessible from the comfort of your home.
According to research conducted worldwide, more than 20 crores Muslims reside in India. However, only 4% of them have attended Islamic schools, and the majority of the population hasn’t access to the right platform to learn the Quran.
Therefore, to bridge this gap, AzanGuru promotes its educational platform, aiming to fulfil learner’s requirements with proper resources and facilities.
Tailored Learning for All Ages and Schedules
AzanGuru is known for its exceptional flexibility. Unlike traditional Quran classes, the platform caters to individuals of all ages, from 7 to 70. It further offers separate programs for men and women with specific teachers.
Learners can choose between recorded video lessons for independent study or participate in live interactive sessions with qualified instructors. This ensures a personalised learning experience that adapts to the learner’s pace and preferences.
Master Tajweed and Recitation in Months
The platform prioritises accurate pronunciation and fluency. AzanGuru’s comprehensive curriculum focuses on Tajweed, the rules of Quranic recitation. With the platform’s effective learning methods, students can complete the program in 3 to 5 months, achieving their Quranic goals efficiently.
Support Throughout Your Journey
AzanGuru fosters a supportive learning environment. Learners benefit from dedicated teachers who provide personalised guidance through messaging, calls, and emails during working hours.
24/7 Accessibility for Busy Learners
AzanGuru understands the demands of modern life. By embracing online learning, the platform offers accessibility. Learners can access the platform and course materials anytime, anywhere.
About AzanGuru Private Limited
Founded by M. Sufyan Saif, a visionary leader with a deep passion for Quranic education, AzanGuru is driven to bridge the gap between technology and Quranic teachings. Saif, the CEO, steers the company’s strategic direction and ensures operational excellence. AzanGuru’s growing popularity is evident, with over 3,700 paid learners and 35,000 registered users.
AzanGuru: Mastering the Quran Made Easy with Online Learning
By: Arjun Sngh
New Delhi (India), April 16: AzanGuru, an online platform that started in May 2022, makes learning the Quran easier than ever before. It is a platform that bridges the divide between technology and Quranic education. Founded by M. Sufyan Saif, a visionary leader with a passion for Quranic education, AzanGuru enables people of all ages and backgrounds to study the Quran from the comfort of their own homes.
AzanGuru provides a unique, self-paced, adaptive, video-based learning experience that caters to students of all ages and genders. Its adaptable approach ensures a flexible learning journey. This is especially beneficial in India, where there are more than 20 crore Muslims, but only 4% can attend Islamic schools.
AzanGuru aims to bridge this gap by offering a user-friendly platform with proper sources and facilities, allowing anyone to learn the Quran at their own convenience. Recognising this need, AzanGuru has also garnered significant funding, raising around $59993.00 to date. This funding will allow the platform to develop further and reach a wider audience. With AzanGuru’s adaptable structure, students can complete the course in 3-5 months, scheduling classes around their day-to-day activities.
AzanGuru offers a convenient and supportive learning environment. One can choose from both recorded and live classes, ensuring individuals get the instruction that best suits their needs. The platform also offers personalised guidance through messaging, calls, and emails during working hours. This ensures individuals are never alone in their journey to mastering the Quran.
AzanGuru’s comprehensive curriculum extends beyond only learning the Quran. It focuses on accurate recitation, specifically Tajweed (the rules of Quranic recitation) and pronunciation. This assures that its platform’s users recite the Holy Quran correctly and gracefully.
In March 2023, AzanGuru became AzanGuru Private Limited, ushering in a new era of digital Quranic learning. With its dedication to innovation and accessibility, AzanGuru is making the beauty of the Quran available to everyone, wherever.
AzanGuru’s 24/7 platform allows individuals to learn at their own pace, whether morning people or night owls. With over 3,500 satisfied paid learners (FY2023-2024) and 35,000 registered users, AzanGuru is a reliable source for anyone looking to improve their grasp of the Quran.
New Delhi (India), April 16: AzanGuru, an online platform that started in May 2022, makes learning the Quran easier than ever before. It is a platform that bridges the divide between technology and Quranic education. Founded by M. Sufyan Saif, a visionary leader with a passion for Quranic education, AzanGuru enables people of all ages and backgrounds to study the Quran from the comfort of their own homes.
AzanGuru provides a unique, self-paced, adaptive, video-based learning experience that caters to students of all ages and genders. Its adaptable approach ensures a flexible learning journey. This is especially beneficial in India, where there are more than 20 crore Muslims, but only 4% can attend Islamic schools.
AzanGuru aims to bridge this gap by offering a user-friendly platform with proper sources and facilities, allowing anyone to learn the Quran at their own convenience. Recognising this need, AzanGuru has also garnered significant funding, raising around $59993.00 to date. This funding will allow the platform to develop further and reach a wider audience. With AzanGuru’s adaptable structure, students can complete the course in 3-5 months, scheduling classes around their day-to-day activities.
AzanGuru offers a convenient and supportive learning environment. One can choose from both recorded and live classes, ensuring individuals get the instruction that best suits their needs. The platform also offers personalised guidance through messaging, calls, and emails during working hours. This ensures individuals are never alone in their journey to mastering the Quran.
AzanGuru’s comprehensive curriculum extends beyond only learning the Quran. It focuses on accurate recitation, specifically Tajweed (the rules of Quranic recitation) and pronunciation. This assures that its platform’s users recite the Holy Quran correctly and gracefully.
In March 2023, AzanGuru became AzanGuru Private Limited, ushering in a new era of digital Quranic learning. With its dedication to innovation and accessibility, AzanGuru is making the beauty of the Quran available to everyone, wherever.
AzanGuru’s 24/7 platform allows individuals to learn at their own pace, whether morning people or night owls. With over 3,500 satisfied paid learners (FY2023-2024) and 35,000 registered users, AzanGuru is a reliable source for anyone looking to improve their grasp of the Quran.
Times Of India
New Delhi
2 min read Apr 18, 2024
Logo Of AzanGuru
In a groundbreaking development in the realm of Quranic education, AzanGuru, an innovative online platform founded by M. Sufyan Saif, is transforming the landscape of learning with its accessible and convenient approach.
AzanGuru, launched in May 2022, aims to make Quranic education accessible to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. By leveraging technology, the platform offers self-paced, video-based courses that cater to the diverse needs of students. This adaptable learning structure allows learners to complete the curriculum in just 3-5 months, all while balancing their daily activities.
Unlike traditional methods, AzanGuru provides students with personalized guidance from qualified instructors, fostering a supportive learning environment. Through messaging, calls, and emails, learners receive individualized support, ensuring their success in mastering Quranic recitation, Tajweed, and pronunciation.
The impact of AzanGuru has been profound. In March 2023, the platform transitioned into AzanGuru Private Limited, marking a new era of digital Quranic learning. With over 3,500 satisfied paid learners and 35,000 registered users, AzanGuru has solidified its position as a reliable source for Quranic education.
“We are committed to revolutionizing the way individuals learn the Quran,” said M. Sufyan Saif, the founder of AzanGuru. “Our platform empowers learners to study at their own pace, anytime and anywhere, while receiving personalized guidance from experienced instructors. We are proud to play a role in making Quranic education more accessible and convenient for everyone.”
AzanGuru’s impact extends beyond its online presence. The platform’s dedication to ethical business practices and societal welfare has garnered recognition from both users and industry experts alike. As the demand for digital learning continues to grow, AzanGuru remains at the forefront of innovation, shaping the future of Quranic education.
Jamia Millia Islamia’s Centre For Innovation And Entrepreneurship Supports AzanGuru
New Delhi, August 02: The Centre For Innovation And Entrepreneurship (CIE) at Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) has taken a significant step in promoting innovative startups by extending its support to AzanGuru, a platform dedicated to mastering Quran recitation through modern technology. As part of this collaboration, AzanGuru has been provided with a co-working space within the JMI campus, fostering a conducive environment for growth and development.
Co- Working Space for AzanGuru
AzanGuru is known for its comprehensive approach to teaching Quran recitation, with a curriculum that covers Tajweed and pronunciation. The platform offers flexible learning options, including live classes and recorded sessions, making it accessible to people of all ages. With the support of JMI’s CIE, AzanGuru will benefit from valuable resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities, helping it to expand its reach and impact.
This partnership highlights JMI’s commitment to nurturing startups that combine tradition with innovation, reflecting the university’s broader mission of creating a positive societal impact. The collaboration between AzanGuru and Jamia Millia Islamia’s CIE is expected to serve as a model for future initiatives, inspiring other entrepreneurs to explore the intersection of technology and tradition.
AzanGuru Revolutionizes Quranic Education with Innovative Online Platform
2.9k views, 39 shares
New Delhi (India), April 18: In a groundbreaking development in the realm of Quranic education, AzanGuru, an innovative online platform founded by M. Sufyan Saif, is transforming the landscape of learning with its accessible and convenient approach.
AzanGuru, launched in May 2022, aims to make Quranic education accessible to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. By leveraging technology, the platform offers self-paced, video-based courses that cater to the diverse needs of students. This adaptable learning structure allows learners to complete the curriculum in just 3-5 months, all while balancing their daily activities.
Unlike traditional methods, AzanGuru provides students with personalized guidance from qualified instructors, fostering a supportive learning environment. Through messaging, calls, and emails, learners receive individualized support, ensuring their success in mastering Quranic recitation, Tajweed, and pronunciation.
The impact of AzanGuru has been profound. In March 2023, the platform transitioned into AzanGuru Private Limited, marking a new era of digital Quranic learning. With over 3,500 satisfied paid learners and 35,000 registered users, AzanGuru has solidified its position as a reliable source for Quranic education.
“We are committed to revolutionizing the way individuals learn the Quran,” said M. Sufyan Saif, the founder of AzanGuru. “Our platform empowers learners to study at their own pace, anytime and anywhere, while receiving personalized guidance from experienced instructors. We are proud to play a role in making Quranic education more accessible and convenient for everyone.”
AzanGuru’s impact extends beyond its online presence. The platform’s dedication to ethical business practices and societal welfare has garnered recognition from both users and industry experts alike. As the demand for digital learning continues to grow, AzanGuru remains at the forefront of innovation, shaping the future of Quranic education.
Disclaimer: This content has been published by the user directly on Dailyhunt, an intermediary platform. Dailyhunt has neither reviewed nor has knowledge of such content. Publisher: Financial Express
AzanGuru: Revolutionizing Quranic Education Through Tech
June 26, 2024
AzanGuru stands as the paramount avenue for achieving mastery in Quranic recitation, tailored for practitioners across all age groups. The platform boasts an exhaustive curriculum that delves deep into Tajweed and pronunciation, ensuring an immaculate rendition of the Holy Quran.
Through dynamic live sessions and bespoke mentorship, learners have the liberty to seek counsel and pose queries at their convenience. The program’s adaptable framework empowers individuals to complete the course within a span of 3 to 5 months, with the flexibility of choosing between live interactions or archived sessions to suit their preferences.
AzanGuru’s educators are wholly devoted to fostering triumph, extending unwavering support via messaging, calls, and emails during operational hours. Embracing the digital realm, the platform affords the luxury of studying from the sanctity of one’s abode, accessible round-the-clock to cater to varied schedules.
With its avant-garde approach to Quranic pedagogy, AzanGuru guarantees a transformative odyssey of spiritual ascension, transcending barriers of background and timetable alike.
In an exclusive inteview with The Interview World, Md Sufyan Saif, the Co-founder of AzanGuru, elucidates upon the Quranic learning platform, emphasizing its role in propagating the Sacred Quran, and articulates his profound vision for the future. Presented here are the salient elucidations from his discourse.
Q: Could you please explain how AzanGuru operates?
A: AzanGuru, a groundbreaking digital platform, revolutionizes Quranic education. Much like BYJU’S, AzanGuru presents an exhaustive curriculum meticulously designed to ensure impeccable Quranic recitation. Utilizing an adaptive learning process, the platform enhances the efficacy of Quranic studies.
A mere 3% to 3.5% of Muslims currently enroll in traditional schools, which remain bereft of modern technological advancements. AzanGuru transcends these limitations by amalgamating cutting-edge technology with Quranic education. Learners can now master the Quran from the comfort of their homes, at their own pace, and at any time, thus encapsulating our fundamental ethos.
Our offerings include pre-recorded courses augmented by live classes, which are available for a nominal fee. For those desiring individualized guidance, our subscription model provides access to personalized teacher support.
Q: What is the total number of subscriptions you currently have?
A: We currently boast an impressive 4,200 paid users. Furthermore, our app has been downloaded by nearly 35,000 individuals who have also perused our website.
Q: Can you explain how AzanGuru supports the popularization of the Quran?
A: Globally, those who peruse the Quran often defer comprehending its meanings, awaiting elucidation from a Maulana or scholar. Within the precepts of Islam, it is a revered tenet to recite the Quran in Arabic.
Nonetheless, a pervasive challenge emerges in the realm of accurate pronunciation. The sanctity of recitation is intrinsically tied to its correct articulation. Thus, we dedicate ourselves to guiding learners towards impeccable pronunciation.
Even for those devoid of reading skills but able to count to three, our pedagogy is accessible. Our paramount objective is to refine pronunciation. For neophytes unfamiliar with the script, we initiate instruction from the very fundamentals.
Q: How do you approach teaching the meanings of the Quran to learners?
A: No, we refrain from elucidating the meanings. The absence of a formidable team of scholars precludes such an endeavor. Furthermore, the sheer multitude of sects exacerbates the complexity. Consequently, we are unable to explore such profundity at this juncture.
Q: Could you provide information about your program focusing on the modern education of Islamic children?
A: Absolutely. This untapped market holds immense potential. We can effectively address poverty by introducing skill-based courses.
Our plan includes integrating these courses into our portfolio within the next 4-5 years. Earning community trust is crucial, especially regarding religious matters. When we provide skill-based training, their trust in us grows, enhancing our impact.
Our go-to-market strategy focuses on Quran learning, a niche market with vast opportunities. By leveraging this approach, we aim to build trust and drive significant social impact.
Q: How do you typically reach your users?
A: Spanning the UK, US, Canada, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh, our primary user base consists of Muslims worldwide. In India alone, there are 200-250 million Muslims. Many professionals in corporate and defense sectors lack convenient avenues for Quranic study. Our application offers a crucial solution by providing easy online access to Quranic education, benefiting both adults seeking learning opportunities and their children.
Q: Could you outline your plans for the future?
A: Our forthcoming endeavor entails mentoring our Muslim fraternity in the meticulous study of the Quran. Subsequently, we aspire to embark upon the exploration of languages such as Urdu and Arabic. Should an opportunity arise to augment our efforts by elucidating meanings and broadening our scope, we shall seize it with utmost diligence.
AzanGuru, established in May 2022 by M. Sufyan Saif, is an online platform dedicated to providing Quranic education. It strives to make learning the Quran easy and accessible for people of all ages and backgrounds.[1][2]
AzanGuru offers self-paced, video-based courses designed to meet the varied needs of its students. With a flexible learning structure, students can complete the curriculum within 3-5 months while managing their daily routines. The platform also provides personalized guidance from qualified instructors and fosters a supportive learning environment.[3][4]
Adaptable Learning Structure: Students can learn at their own pace, with both recorded and live classes available.
Comprehensive Curriculum: AzanGuru focuses on Quranic recitation, Tajweed, and pronunciation.
Personalized Guidance: Students receive support from instructors through messaging, calls, and emails.[5]
Accessible Platform: AzanGuru’s 24/7 accessibility allows individuals to learn at any time.[6]
Evolution and Impact
In March 2023, AzanGuru transitioned into AzanGuru Private Limited, marking a new era of digital Quranic learning. With over 3,500 satisfied paid learners and 35,000 registered users, AzanGuru has established itself as a reliable source for Quranic education.[7]
AzanGuru is your gateway to mastering the art of Quran recitation, regardless of your age. Our platform offers a comprehensive curriculum that covers Tajweed and pronunciation, ensuring that you recite the Holy Quran flawlessly. With our live classes and personalized guidance, you’ll be able to ask questions and receive assistance whenever you need it.
Our flexible approach allows you to complete the course at your own pace, typically within 3 to 5 months. Whether you prefer live sessions or recorded classes, we’ve got you covered. Our teachers are committed to helping you succeed, providing support via messaging, calls, and emails during working hours.
At AzanGuru, we’ve embraced digital learning, making it convenient for you to study from the comfort of your home. Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, our platform is accessible 24/7, allowing you to learn at a time that suits you best. Our modern approach to Quran education ensures that anyone, regardless of their background or schedule, can embark on a fulfilling journey of spiritual growth with us.
Explore AzanGuru advantage:
Accessible Learning: From ages 7 to 70, men and women can master Quran recitation with full Tajweed and pronunciation.
Flexible Classes: Enjoy both recorded and live classes with an adaptive learning process tailored to your needs.
Personalized Pace: Complete the course in just 3 to 5 months, at a pace that suits you.
Supportive Environment: Get support through messages, calls, and emails during working hours, ensuring you’re never alone in your learning journey.
Learn Quran Online in an
Easy and effective way
Unlock the power of the Quran with our easy and effective online learning program.